Friends of St Joseph's
We are the fundraising team. Whether you are a parent, guardian, grandparent or friend of a child at St Joseph's, you too are a Friend of St Joseph's. Together we can make a difference by raising money for those extras that the school budget may struggle to pay for.
Keep an eye on this page as it will always be up to date with what we are doing, what we have done and how much we have raised after each event.
If you can help out at any event or have any fundraising ideas please contact the school office at any time!
Thank you
Our fundraising total for the year 2022/2023 was:
Thank you so much!
LATEST NEWS for 2023/24
50th Anniversary of our school
On Sunday 30th June, school held a fantastic afternoon of celebrations and reminiscence. A huge amount of time and effort was put in by staff (plus their families), past staff/pupils and parents/grandparents to make the day the huge success it was.
Thank you so much for any contribution you made to the day, whether you helped or came along on the day to celebrate with us.
Thank you so much to Rossington Council who donated £500 to help us make it a fun day for all the community.
Event results this year so far | |
September Lottery |
82.00 |
October Lottery |
99.60 |
Year 5 Cake Sale |
128.50 |
Autumn (1) Tuck Shop |
291.29 |
November Lottery |
95.20 |
December Lottery |
90.80 |
Autumn (2) Tuck Shop |
145.74 |
Advent Fundraising |
1434.08 |
January Lottery |
104.40 |
Year 6 Cake Sale (9/2/24) |
142.05 |
February Lottery |
76.80 |
Spring (1) Tuck Shop |
136.84 |
March Lottery |
79.60 |
Easter Fundraising |
439.67 |
Spring (2) Tuck Shop |
188.32 |
April Lottery |
96.80 |
Year 4 Cake Sale |
192.50 |
May Lottery |
74.00 |
Tuck Shop (Summer 1) |
-31.00 |
June Lottery |
76.00 |
Mr Dan Discos |
337.83 |
Splash n Dash/50th Celebrations /Sports Day |
3152.84 |
July Lottery |
84.40 |
Tuck Shop (Summer 2) |
106.57 |
Pocket Money Stall |
346.20 |
Total raised this school year 2023/2024 Thank you so much!
Forthcoming Events (Autumn Term 1 2024)
Daily KS2 Tuck Shop (Monday-Thursday breaktimes)
Weekly Pocket Money Stall (Friday breaktime)
School Lottery ( )
Cake Sale
What we have paid for in 2023/2024
Christmas Panto
£400 to each of our 8 classes to reduce coach travel for trips
50th Anniversary Art Work (on display in the hall)
Science week resources
Compost for gardening around school
Have you any suggestions? What would you like us to spend the Friends' money on? What can we do better? We'd love to hear from you!!
A NOTE FROM US........
Your generosity and support is second to none...thank you!
The school budget is getting tighter so our help is needed more than ever to ensure that resources and equipment are kept up to date to aid the education of our children. If you can help at any event, we would really appreciate it!!
Thank you once again