St Joseph's School - A Catholic Voluntary Academy

Reception 2020/2021

Class Teacher: Mrs Wallhead                     Teaching Assistant: Mrs Ashwell

Our Topics Throughout The School Year 2020/2021

Class Newsletter - Summer Term (2) 2021

Topic Homework - Summer Term (2) 2021

Careers Week - 14th to 18th June 2021

Class Newsletter - Summer Term (1) 2021

Topic Homework - Summer Term (1) 2021

What we have been up to so far ........

Please click here to view what we get up to with our Commando Joe missions.


London History Week - 31st May 2021

Interfaith Week

Mental Health Awareness Week - 10th to 16th May 2021

In Reception we focused on the story Colour Monster which is all about different emotions. As we read through the story the children tried to relate to times when they felt happy or upset, just like the Colour Monster did in the story. We also made squishy monsters and chose our favourite emotion from the story. The children filled their balloons with flour and drew the emotion they had chosen on their squishy monster.

Virtual Mass at St. Marie’s Cathedral- 13th May

This week in Reception the children experienced their first Mass this year. It was a very special time and the children had lots of questions about what they could see in the Church. The children enjoyed joining in with the prayers and the hymns that were sung.

Earth Day- 22nd April 2021

In Reception we spent time thinking about how we can look after our Earth. The children came up with some lovely ideas, such as doing a litter pick. We have created our very own Earth pictures using shaving foam and food colouring. The children explored how the colours changed when mixed together and we spoke about the texture of the shaving foam.

Class Newsletter - Spring Term (2) 2021

Topic Homework - Spring Term  2021

What we have been up to so far ........

Please click here to view what we get up to with our Commando Joe missions.

Lent- 26th March 2021

During our Lent topic we have been learning about growing. To explore this further the children planted cress seeds in compost and watched how they grew over the week. The children were fascinated with how quickly they grew from seeds to cress.

PE- 25th March 2021

This week in PE we have been practicing our throwing and catching skills with beanbags. The children worked with a partner and practiced throwing and catching the beanbag. To challenge the children further we increased the distance between each other so that the children had to throw the beanbags further.

International Forest Day- Scavenger Hunt- 22nd March 2021

During our Forest School session, we explored our outdoor learning area and in pairs the children searched for different natural materials and insects. The children had a scavenger hunt worksheet with a list of natural materials and insects to look for. The children investigated the trees and under rocks to see what they could find.

Chicks - 16th March 2021

As part of our growing topic we had some chicks in school. The children watched them hatch in their incubator and finally when they were a little older the children got to hold them. It was a lovely experience for the children and they were very eager to hold them again.

Forest School- 8th March 2021

This week in Forest School we played the parachute game. During the activity the children had to work as a team to keep the balls on top of the parachute. We played a range of games during the activity which was lots of fun.

Class Newsletter - Spring Term (1) 2021

Class Newsletter - Autumn Term (2) 2020

Topic Homework - Autumn Term (2) 2020

Class Newsletter - Autumn Term (1) 2020

Topic Homework - Autumn Term (1) 2020

What we have been up to so far......

Please click here to view what we did as a class on well-being week 14th to 18th September.

Please click here to view what we get up to with our Commando Joe missions.

Saint- St Therese of the Child Jesus

In Reception we focussed on St Therese of the Child Jesus. She was also known as ‘The Little Flower’. She was a very important Saint as she showed how we can change the world with kindness. To celebrate St Therese we created our own flowers using collage materials as flowers became a symbol of St Therese’s ‘Little Way’.

Harvest Fast Day

In Reception, we celebrated Harvest Fast Day by reading a story called, ‘The Elephant and the Bad Baby.’ We listened to the story and discussed what happened. The children identified that the Bad Baby wasn’t being kind when he didn’t say ‘please’. The children understood that we always must be polite and say ‘please and thank you’ to people. We also discussed what we are thankful for and some of the children spoke about the food we eat at dinner time. During choosing time the children created thank you cards in the creative area and explained what they were grateful for. 

Black History Month- Ella Fitzgerald

In Reception we explored who Ella Fitzgerald was and what she had achieved throughout her life. We read a story all about her life which the children found very interesting and asked lots of questions. We also listened to Ella Fitzgerald sing and we even danced along to some Jazz music.

Forest School Week Five

As our topic this half term is about ‘Magical Me’, we decided to create leaf people in our Forest School session this week. It was very exciting because we went into the school playground which the children thoroughly enjoyed. Before picking the leaves we spoke about the leaves changing colour during the season of autumn. The children were able to talk about the different colours they could see on the leaves. Each child picked one leaf and created their leaf picture using collage materials.

Forest School Week Four

This week in Forest School the children created bracelets using natural materials from the outdoor area. The children thought about what they wanted to put on their card bracelet and then went to find the objects in the garden area. The children then stuck the natural resources onto their strip of card. It was lots of fun!

Forest School Week Three

This is our third week in Forest School and the children are really enjoying the activities. This week the children experienced clay and made hedgehogs using natural materials from the outdoor area. We spoke about what hedgehogs look like and thought about what materials would be suitable to use. The children made fantastic representations of hedgehogs and were very proud of what they had made.

Forest School Week Two

This week in Forest School we have been thinking about what we like to do when we are playing outside. The children each had a piece of paper and drew a picture of them playing in the outdoor area. Each child shared what they like to do outside during circle time in the Forest School area. These are some of the pictures the children drew…

Our Very First Forest School Session

In Reception we have introduced the Forest School approach. The children completed their first session and thoroughly enjoyed it. In our outdoor area we have created a space for our Forest School sessions to take place. During the session the children sat in a circle and we played a listening game. The children spoke about the things they could hear around them. Our next activity was a nature hunt. The aim of the activity was to find and collect natural found objects from our outdoor area and stick them onto a canvas to create a class collage. The children spoke about the items they had collected in a circle and independently stuck them onto the canvas.

Roald Dahl Day - 11th September

In Reception the Roald Dahl book we looked at was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. During the day we did lots of fun activities that linked to the story. All of the children created and designed a chocolate bar using a range of different materials. We also did some writing in chocolate which the children found very exciting. We mainly concentrated on writing our names and letters but some children challenged themselves to write some words. It was a very fun day!