St Joseph's School - A Catholic Voluntary Academy

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  3. This Week's Gospel Message

This Week's Gospel Message

25 March 2019 (by tinablack)

This week our assembly message is: "Leave the tree for another year and I will help it grow."

The children listened to this week’s Gospel, and we discussed how the man felt when his fig tree did not produce fruit. He wanted to cut the tree down, but a gardener encouraged him to leave the tree to grow for another year.


The children thought about how the tree hadn’t done what it was supposed to do, and they related this to themselves – we don’t always do what we are supposed to. The children thought about: ‘if the tree is us, who is the gardener?’ The children discussed how the gardener is like Jesus.


This week, we will be remembering that God gives us the chance to change and to share what we have. We are going to do all that we can to make sure that all people have the things that they need to live.