St Joseph's School - A Catholic Voluntary Academy

Monday Morning Gospel and Other World Faiths Assemblies - 2021-2022

Every Monday, Mrs Kelly delivers our morning Gospel through Microsoft Teams to each class for our weekly Gospel message.

The children listen to the Gospel, and think about the message which is given to us. We think about how we can use this message in our lives the following week. The message is displayed in the children's classrooms. A summary of the assembly, along with the gospel message and a picture is also sent out to parents via DoJo.

Every half term, the children explore a different world faith. The children think about how the faith differs and how it is the same as Christianity.

Please see below for the messages which are sent out each week.

Gospel 2021/2022

Monday 11th July 2022

Who is my neighbour? 

This week we celebrated the fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Today we listened to how a Good Samaritan helped a man who was hurt when a priest and a Levite both ignored him. Jesus explained this story to a man who asked who his neighbour was, and it teaches us that everyone is our neighbour, no matter where they come from or where they live. 

At the end of the story Jesus tells the man who asked who his neighbour was, to go and do the same as the Samaritan. This is what we are all called to do - to try to help everyone who needs us to. The children that about ways they could do this in school, from smiling at each other, playing with someone who is feeling lonely to being helpful around the classroom. Their St. Joseph’s challenge this week is to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and be a good neighbour to everyone in our school community. 

This week’s prayer is: 

Healing God, unite us in love for our neighbours, no matter who they are. Let us be like you and offer compassion and help to everyone in need. Amen. 

Monday 4th July 2022

Your peace will rest upon that person. 

This week we celebrated the fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Today we listened to how Jesus calls 72 people to follow Him and of how He prepares them for the journey. The Gospel story explains how some people welcomed Jesus’ followers with open arms, whilst others rejected them and did not want to hear the good news of Jesus. 

The children thought about how they can welcome people at home and at school. The St. Joseph’s challenge set this week is for all our children to make sure they are welcoming to others, especially at the end of the week in their Sport’s Day team! By being welcoming, children are following Jesus and sharing his good news with others. 

This week’s prayer is: 

Christ our Messiah, you call us to follow you. Help us to be welcoming to others and to spend time listening to and following your word. Amen. 

Monday 27th June 2022

‘I will follow you wherever you will go.’ 

Today, in our Gospel assembly, we celebrated the thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary time. In the Gospel story we hear about how hard it can be to follow Jesus. Jesus lets his followers know that not everyone will understand their choice to follow Jesus, and that they might have to change the way that they think about things because what is important to them, might not be what Jesus is asking of them. 

Then we thought about how we can be followers of Jesus and the ways in which we can show everyone we follow in His footsteps. We know it can sometimes be hard, but we can make a choice – to follow Jesus no matter what. 

This week’s prayer is: 

God of mercy, watch over those who have been forced to flee their homes. Help us to follow you and to reach out in help to all who are in need, so that through us they may know your love. Amen. 

Monday 13th June 2022


‘Whatever the Father has is mine. The Spirit will receive what I give and tell you about it.’ 

Today, in our Gospel assembly, we celebrated Trinity Sunday, when we think about how God is made up of three persons: God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In the Gospel story, we hear Jesus preparing his disciples for when he is gone by reassuring them that the Holy Spirit will guide them and show the disciples what they must do and what they must say in Jesus’ name. 

Children discussed how we are reminded of the Trinity every time we pray through the sign of the Cross. We thought about how the Holy Spirit guides all of us today, just like the disciples, and how we can use our talents in the best way to help others. 

This week’s prayer is: 

Loving God, you are with us always. Send us your Spirit to teach and guide us to live in peace with each other every day. Amen. 

Monday 16th May 2022

This morning, our assembly was on a different world faith – Sikhism. We found out that one of the most important names for God in Sikhism is Waheguru, which means wonderful God.  


The children found out how Sikhs follow the 5 K’s, which are items of clothing they wear to symbolise their religion, such as the Kirpan (sword) and the Kara (steel bracelet). We also discussed the 5 main Sikh beliefs, and how these are similar to the teachings of Jesus, including serving others, treating everyone equally and keeping God in your heart and mind at all times. 

We also listened to a hymn about Guru Nanak, who was the first of the, ‘Ten Gurus,’ and who inspired others to live a life full of truth. 

Tuesday 26th April 2022

This week we celebrated the second week of Easter.This morning we heard about how Jesus appeared again to the disciples and shared peace with them. The disciples were filled with joy that Jesus had risen from the dead and was with them again. Thomas wasn’t there with the rest of the disciples when Jesus appeared. He refused to believe Jesus had been there until he saw for himself.  


We thought about how we all have times when we can be a bit like Thomas. When we find it hard to believe in God and his love for us. We discussed how God is always with us, even when we can’t see Him. 

This week’s prayer is: 

God of light, help us to bring peace to those who face violence, war and conflict, so that all your children around the world may know hope and happiness.  


Monday 11th April 2022

This week we celebrated Palm Sunday, the start of Easter week.

 Our assembly message is, "Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord."

This morning the children helped to retell the story of Palm Sunday, when we remember how Jesus entered Jerusalem. The crowd welcomed Jesus with open arms, they were excited to see Him and treated Jesus like a king, waving palms and creating a carpet of cloaks on the ground for Him to walk on.

Then, we thought about how Jesus is in all of us, so every time we meet someone and welcome them, we are welcoming Jesus. The children discussed how we can welcome Jesus into our lives by showing kindness, respect and love to all those around us.


This week’s prayer is:


Christ Jesus,

Open our hearts so we may sing your praise. Help us to welcome you into our lives, and to see you in all our brothers and sisters throughout the world,


Monday 4th April 2022

This week, we celebrated the 5th Sunday of Lent.

Our assembly message is: “Let the person among you without sin be the first to throw the stone.”

The children listened to Luke’s Gospel, which described Jesus explaining to a crowd of people that they should not condemn a woman for committing a serious crime because they too have sinned. We discussed how we should not judge people who have done something wrong because we all do wrong things sometimes. Instead we should try to forgive them, as God forgives us. 


The Gospel message also asks us to change, to try our hardest not to do the wrong things again, so we challenged ourselves to do this in school and at home!


This week’s prayer is:


God of love, you forgive us when we go wrong, and encourage us to try again to be better. Guide us to do what is right and to make this world a fairer place for all who live in it. Amen.  

Monday 21st February 2022

This week, we focused on the 7th week in Ordinary Time Gospel.

Our assembly message is: “Love your enemies!”

The children listened to Matthew’s Gospel which described Jesus explaining to his disciples how they should love everyone, even their enemies. Jesus talks about the importance of giving, of being generous with what we have and treating other people as we would like to be treated.  


The children shared ideas about how we can give gifts to each other, such as the gift of kindness, our friendship and the gift of time. 

This week’s prayer is:

Generous God, we thank you for all that you have given us. May we also be generous to others and treat all people as we would wish to be treated. Amen. 


Monday 7th February 2022

This week, we focused on the 5th week in Ordinary Time Gospel.

Our assembly message is: “Be fishers of men!”

The children listened to Luke’s Gospel which described how Jesus climbed on Simon Peter’s boat and spoke to the crowds. After speaking, he sent Simon and his friends back to fish. They had been fishing all night and hadn’t caught anything. Jesus told them where to put the nets and then suddenly, the nets were full!

Jesus told the people to ‘become fishers of men!’

The children thought about what this means – did Jesus really mean we they have to catch people?
They thought and shared ideas about how they could follow Jesus – being caught by the Good News.

This week’s prayer is:

Loving God, may we try our best to follow your Son and to serve you faithfully each day, in what we do and how we treat others, especially our brothers and sisters who are poor. Amen.

Monday 31st January 2022

This week, we begin our interfaith week work.

Every half term, we have a focus assembly on a different world faith.

This week, we focused on the main world religions. The children thought about all the different countries in the world, and then they tried to name the different world religions.

The children thought about how the different world religions all have similarities. They discussed how all religions teach their followers to love one another.


Click here to view our Other Faiths Assembly PowerPoint

Monday 21st January 2022

This week, we focused on the 3rd week in Ordinary Time Gospel.


Our assembly message is: ““Proclaim the good news to the poor."


The children listened to Luke’s Gospel which described how Jesus returned to his usual synagogue and when handed a scroll he read:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
    because he has chosen me to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
    and recovery of sight to the blind,
to set free the oppressed
and announce that the time has come
    when the Lord will save his people.”


The children thought about what good news they have had, and they shared some of their good news with the children across the school. The children shared ideas about how, as Christians, they could help to share the Good News about Jesus.


This week’s prayer is:


God of life, you call us all to share your good news. May we do all that we can to answer that call. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.


Monday 17th January 2022


This week, we focused on the 2nd week in Ordinary Time Gospel. Our assembly message is: “The first of the signs given by Jesus was at Cana in Galilee.”
The children have listened to John’s gospel and watched a video of this gospel story. In this very familiar gospel story, when all the wine runs out at a wedding, Jesus turns some barrels of water into wine. The children have thought about what a miracle is and what this first miracle tells us about Jesus. We discussed how we cannot perform miracles, but how we can make a difference to the people and world around us by making the correct choices and following in the image and likeness of Jesus.

This week’s prayer is:

God of life, may we be inspired by the miracles that your Son Jesus performed, to do our best to make a real difference to others around the world.


Monday 4th October 2021

This week, our assembly message is: “The kingdom of God belongs to children like these!”

The children have listened to Mark’s Gospel and they have thought about how the children felt when the disciples tried to send them away. The children thought about times they hadn’t been very tolerant towards others, and we shared how Jesus would want us to act towards these people.

 This week’s prayer is:

God of love, you teach us to see that the world is good.

Help us to care for creation and to love our sisters and brothers.


Gospel 2020/2021

Monday 28th June 2021

This week, our assembly message is: “Don’t be afraid, only believe!” 

The children have listened to Mark’s Gospel explaining how Jesus healed two people – a woman who had been sick for a very long time and Jairus’ daughter. Jairus’ daughter died during the story, but Jesus told Jairus to have faith and believe in him and because he did this, Jesus brought his daughter back to life. 

The children thought about how they can relate this to their own lives, and we discussed how we can care for others by putting people before ourselves.  

This week’s prayer is: 

 Christ Jesus, you healed those who asked for your help. May we also be willing to reach out our hands to others in need. Amen. 

Monday 21st June 2021

This week, our assembly message is: “Peace, Be Still!”

The children have listened to Mark’s Gospel explaining how Jesus calmed a storm. The disciples were really scared and Jesus asked them after why they were scared – they should have faith! 

The children thought about how they can relate this to their own lives, and we discussed what Jesus meant by this. 

This week’s prayer is:

 God of courage, help us to be brave when things are difficult, and to be there for others who are facing hard times, so they may know that they are not alone. Amen.

Monday 14th June 2021

This week, our assembly message is: “Even the smallest seed will grow into something great!”

This week, the children have heard the story of a tiny mustard seed which grows into a large tree. The tree has strong branches and birds rest and feed on the branches. 

The children have thought about what Jesus meant in this parable. They have explored how tiny actions can contribute to a larger action. We linked this back to our work last week on CAFOD’s – ‘The Eyes of the World.’ Together we can make a difference to the future and our world.

This week’s prayer is:

 God of all, help us to make a change so all people can live free from poverty and so we may glimpse your kingdom here on earth. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen. 

Monday 7th June 2021

This week, our assembly message is: “This is my body. This is my blood’

This week, the children have heard the story of the last supper. They have spoken about special meals they share with their family. 

We have also looked at the CAFOD, 'Eyes of the world' campaign. The children will be doing work on this over the next week. If you would like to find out more, please click the link. Eyes of the world campaign resources for children | CAFOD 

This week’s prayer is:

Christ Jesus, you invite us to share in your table. May we also be willing to share with others, and to make a change so that all people have enough to eat.


Monday 24th May 2021

This week, our assembly message is: “The Holy Spirit brings us many gifts’

This week, the children have heard the events of Pentecost as described in John’s Gospel. They have thought about the gifts that the Holy Spirit has brought to them. The children have shared how they will try and use these gifts this week.

 This week’s prayer is: 

God of hope, send your Spirit and fill us with courage and hope of a world where all people have the chance to live free from poverty. Amen.

Monday 17th May 2021

This week, our assembly message is: “I sent them into the world, just as you sent me into the world..’

This week, the children have thought about how we can share God’s love by helping each other. They have explored how this also means taking care of our world so that everyone has the chance of a happy life.

Their mission this week is to think about…

How will you share God’s love this week with each other? 

This week’s prayer is: 

 Loving God, move us to follow your Son, to share your love with others as we try to help anyone who needs it, and work together to protect our beautiful world. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Monday 10th May 2021

This week, our assembly message is: “Love One Another, As I Have Loved You.’

The children have thought about how wonderful it is to know how much Jesus loved us! They have thought about who their friends are, what they love about them and how they can show love to each other this week.

I would love for you to share some examples of your children showing our message this week, ‘Love one Another’ by commenting below or sending in a private message.

This week’s prayer is:
Generous God, we give thanks for our friends and the joy they bring us. Help us to be generous, loving and kind to all people around the world, so that they may know that we are their friends. Amen.

Monday 29th March 2021

"God bless him who comes in the name of the Lord."

Monday 22nd March 2021

'When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to me.'

Monday 15th March 2021

 'Everyone who believes in Him will have eternal life.'

Monday 8th March 2021

"Stop making my Father's house a marketplace!"

Monday 1st March 2021

"This is my own dear Son - listen to him!"

Monday 22nd February 2021

"Turn away from your sins and believe the Good News!”

Monday 8th February 2021

World Faith Assembly

Monday 25th January 2021

Jesus said to them, 'Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.'

Monday 18th January 2021

'We have found the Messiah.'

Monday 11th January 2021

As part of our inter-faith work today's assembly is going to focus on Islam.

Monday 4th January 2021
'The word became flesh and dwelt among us.'
John 1:14

Monday 14th December 2020

'There stands among you - unknown to you - the one who is coming after me.'

Monday 7th December 2020

"Get the road ready for the Lord; make him a straight path for him to travel!"

Monday 30th November 2020

“Be on watch, be alert, for you do not know when the time will come."

Monday 16th November 2020
'The righteous will go to eternal life.'

Monday 16th November 2020

'For to every person who has something, even more will be given, and he will have more than enough; but the person who has nothing, even the little that he has will be taken away from him.'

Monday 9th November 2020

“Be on your guard, then, because you do not know the day or the hour.”

Tuesday 3rd November 2020

Be happy and glad, for a great reward is kept for you in heaven.

Monday 19th October 2020

Monday 12th October 2020

'Many are invited, but few are chosen.'

Monday 5th October 2020

'I tell you then, that the Kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to people who will produce it's fruit.'

Monday 28th September 2020

'John the Baptist came to you showing you the right path to take.'

Monday 21st September 2020

 'We are all special, no matter what faith we follow.'

Monday 14th September 2020

'Jesus said "forgive seventy times seven times because the Kingdom of heaven is like this."

Monday 7th September 2020

"If your brother sins against you, go to him and show him his fault."

Gospel 2019/2020

Monday 16th March 2020

This week, our assembly message is: “The water that I shall give you will become a spring of eternal life."

In this week’s gospel, Jesus is thirsty and so he asks a Samaritan woman for a drink from the well.

The woman is surprised because normally Jews and Samaritans did not get along. It was also unusual at the time for a man to talk to a woman he did not know.

But even though it is unusual, Jesus talks to the woman anyway.

The children reflected on how Jesus is showing us that God loves everyone. No matter who they are, where they come from or the colour of their skin – man or woman, boy or girl, rich or poor. Even though we are all different, we still need the same things to live.

The children shared what they thought we needed to live. We finished our Assembly thinking about what we could do this week to show each other that we care.

This week’s prayer is: ‘God of love, fill our hearts with love for all your people. Move us to treat all people with kindness and respect and to work to make the world a better place for everyone to live in. Amen.’


Monday 9th March

This week, our assembly message is: “Jesus’ face shone like the sun."

In this week’s gospel, we heard how Jesus went up a mountain with the brothers James and John, but when he got to the top, his face began shining like the sun and his clothes were as white as the light. Whilst there, they heard a voice from the clouds which said, ‘This is my son, and I am proud of him.’  

The children thought about who the voice was and how it would have made the disciples feel.

The children thought about how our lives are changed by Jesus, just as the disciples lives had been changed, as Jesus lives in all of us.

The children thought and shared what they would do this Lent to change their lives and the lives of other people.

This week’s prayer is:

God of love, help us to be like your Son and make a real difference to the lives of our global family. Amen.

Monday 2nd March

This week, our assembly message is: “Jesus fasted for forty days and nights and was tempted."

In this week’s gospel, we heard how Jesus was led into the desert by the Holy Spirit so that the devil could test him. He fasted for 40 days and nights and was very hungry after. During this time, the devil tested him.

The children thought about what the desert would be like, and how Jesus would have felt after being in the desert.  

The children thought about what being tempted meant, and they shared examples of when they had been tempted and how this felt.

This week’s prayer is:

Christ Jesus, help us to take only what we need and to make good choices, so that we can all share God’s world more fairly.


Monday 24th February 

This week, our assembly message is: “Love your enemies."

In this week’s gospel, Jesus spoke to his disciples about loving their enemies and not trying to get even when people have done things wrong.

The children thought about what Jesus meant by this. They shared examples of when people have shared with them and when they haven’t. They shared how this made them feel.

The children thought about people all around the world. To finish our assembly, we talked about ways that we could share with others far and near.

This week’s prayer is:

God of love, help us to share generously with all those who do not have enough in our world, to love one another wherever we may be, and to make the world a fairer place for everyone.


Monday 10th February 

This week, our assembly message is: “You are the light of the world."

After listening to this week’s gospel, the children thought about what was meant when the gospel discusses people being like salt and light. We lit a torch, and put the torch under a blanket, and thought about how the light was hidden.

 The children thought about what it meant when Jesus said, ‘You are the light of the world.’

 The children shared ideas of how they can keep their light shining this week.  

Monday 3rd February

This week, our assembly message is: “My eyes have seen your saving power."

This week, the children celebrated, ‘The Presentation of the Lord.’ The children listened to the Gospel by Luke, which explained how Jesus was presented in the temple, and how Simeon had treated the baby Jesus. The children thought about how this would have made Mary and Joseph feel.

The children reflected on how our faith tells us that each person, no matter who they are, is made in the image of God. This means that we can see something special in each and every person.

To end our assembly, the children thought about how they can treat others to show that they recognise how important and special all people are.

 Monday 27th January

This week, our assembly message is: “Turn away from your sins, because the Kingdom of heaven is near"

This week, the children listened to our weekly gospel. After, they thought about who the people living in darkness were and where they thought the light came from.

This week, we also developed our other faith understanding, with a focus on the Sikh religion.

The children listened to facts about the Sikh faith and developed their understanding of what Sikh people believe.


 Monday 13th January

This week, our assembly message is: “When Jesus had been baptised and had been praying, the heavens were opened and the Holy Spirit came upon him "

 This week celebrates the Baptism of the Lord. The children listened to the gospel, and they thought about who the voice from heaven was and about what it said.  The children thought about water and the different uses it has. To end our assembly, the children thought about how they could save important resources, like water, to help others and our world.

Monday 6th January

This week, our assembly message is: “We have come from the East to worship the King"

 The children listened to this week’s Gospel where Matthew explains the 3 kings' journey to see the new born baby Jesus. The children thought about how King Herod would have felt when he heard the Kings were travelling to find baby Jesus. We spoke about how we do not always have a star to follow, but we can still follow what God asks us to do. The children shared ways they thought God helps us choose the right path.


Monday 2nd December

This week, our gospel message is: “Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight”

Yesterday marked the first Sunday in Advent. Today, we had a very special gospel assembly and Advent Wreath blessing. The Advent wreaths form a special part of our Advent journey and will help us prepare for the coming of Christmas. At the end of each day, the children will light their wreaths and hold a quiet reflection focusing on a daily prayer which will then be added to their displays. Please also look out for the Advent travelling cribs that the children bring home. Please also join us for our  Advent Liturgies, Christingle, Nativities and mass if you can.

Monday 25th November


 This week, our assembly message is: “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom."

 The children listened to this week’s Gospel and heard how Jesus was laughed at while on the cross, and how two thieves have different things to say to him while they also were on the cross. The children thought about why the crowds said Jesus should be able to save himself. The children listened to what the 2 thieves said to Jesus, and how Jesus said he would remember the second thief, and he would give him peace and forgiveness in heaven. We talked about Jesus being ‘the King of Kings.’ We thought about ways we could serve those around us – helping them like Jesus did.

Monday 18th November

This week, our assembly message is: “Your endurance will win you your life!"

The children listened to this week’s Gospel where Jesus spoke about the temple being destroyed. We thought about the places where there were wars, earthquakes and people were hungry, and we looked at the earthquake in Indonesia in 2018. The children thought about how Jesus said do not be afraid, and how he said he would always be with his people as long as they believed in him. The children thought about how they could help others when natural disasters took place.


Monday 11th November

This week, our assembly message is: “We will remember them!"

The children listened to this week’s Gospel. After this we thought about Remembrance Sunday. The children reflected on what Remembrance Sunday means, and we thought about all the people, all over the world, who have fought for what they believe in and for the freedom of others. The children watched some of the parade at the cenotaph in London and discussed why we have a minutes silence. In class, the children will be completing Remembrance activities and we will hold a minutes silence at 11am. The Y6 class will be attending the service at St Michael’s later this morning.  

Monday 4th November
This week, our assembly message is: “The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

The children listened to this week’s Gospel. The children heard how a tax collector was desperate to see Jesus when he visited his town. When Jesus saw the tax collector up a tree, he told him to come down and said he must stay at his house. The others in the crowd were not happy as the tax collector was a sinner. Jesus helped the tax collector change his life, and he helped him to be a better person. The children thought about why the tax collector wasn’t happy despite being one of the richest people in the town. We then thought about how we could change our actions to ensure we treat everyone with respect and fairness.

Monday 14th October

This week, our message is: “It seems that no one has returned to give thanks to God except for one!"

The children listened to this week’s Gospel and also watched a video which showed the story. The children thought about how the lepers would have felt after they had been sent away from their family and friends to be on their own. After this, we spoke about how only one leper came back to thank Jesus. The children thought about where the other lepers may have gone. Maybe they were so desperate to get back to their families that they forgot to say thank you? We discussed which gifts we have been given from God, and how we would show our thanks this week.


Monday 7th October

This week, our message is: “If you had faith!"

The children listened to this week’s Gospel and we discussed the story. The children thought about ways they could increase their faith. We explored how a mustard seed is really tiny and how Jesus was saying that even if we only have a small amount of faith we can do amazing things. Even if we can’t move trees we might be able to make big changes to the world around us.


Monday 30th September

This week, our message is: “Good things come to those who share and aren’t selfish."

The children listened to this week’s Gospel and we discussed the story of the rich and poor men. We thought about each of the men’s actions, and we discussed how they behaved and what God would have thought of this.

The children thought about how they could share the things they have with others, and we discussed how they could help people less fortunate than themselves.


Monday 23rd September

This week, our message is: “You cannot be slaves both of God and of money."

The children listened to this week’s Gospel and we discussed how a steward is someone who looks after money, property or other valuable things. The steward in the story today looked after a rich man's property and money.

The children thought about the big and little things which were important to them. We discussed how this week, they could try to do what is right and to share God’s love for everyone with all the people that they meet, particularly those people who seem lonely or sad.  


Monday 16th September

This week, our message is: “There will be great rejoicing in heaven, over one repentant sinner."

The children listened to this week’s Gospel and we discussed the 3 parables Jesus told: The Parable of the Lost Son, The Parable of the Lost Coin and The Parable of the Lost Sheep.

The children spoke about the things they had lost or misplaced that were valuable. They shared how they felt when these things had gone missing. At the end of our assembly, the children shared how they would use the message of forgiveness and love in their lives this week.


Monday 9th September

Yesterday, Sunday 8th September, marked Education Sunday. On Education Sunday, Catholics are encouraged to reflect on the Church’s enormous contribution in this country and pray for all those involved in Catholic education.

The Catholic Education Service (CES) is the agency of the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales charged with safeguarding and promoting our remarkable network of successful Catholic schools. The CES represents Catholic education to the Government, Ofsted and other national bodies to ensure Catholic schools are empowered to flourish.

This week, the children focused on Education Sunday and our message was: “Form and flourish – unless you are ready to give up all that you possess, you cannot be my disciple.”

The children listened to this week’s Gospel and we discussed what they thought it means to ‘take up your cross and come with me.’ We discussed ‘Form and Flourish,’ and what the children thought this meant to them and their education.

“True education enables us to love life and opens us up to the fullness of life.’ – Pope Francis


Monday 17th June

This week our assembly message is: “Whatever the Father has is mine. The Spirit will receive what I give you and tell you about it.”


The children listened to this week’s Gospel about the Holy Trinity. The children thought about what the Holy Trinity is and shared this. They then thought about their own families and the children discussed how we all have different roles and responsibilities within our family. We finished by asking the Holy Spirit to help us and thinking of ways we can listen more closely.

Monday 10th June

This week our assembly message is: “As the Father sent me, so I send you. Receive the Holy Spirit.”


The children listened to this week’s Gospel from Pentecost Sunday. The children heard how Jesus had appeared in the room with the disciples. They thought about how this would have made the disciples feel. They shared ideas about what they thought the gifts of the Holy Spirit were and how we use these in our lives every day.


Monday 3rd June

This week our assembly message is: “May they all become one.”


The children listened to this week’s Gospel. In the gospel, we heard Jesus prayed to God – not just for the followers who were there, but for everyone who had faith. The children thought about how they are all different; we remembered that this makes us all special. We then thought about how we are all the same, and all part of God’s family.

Tuesday 7th May

This week our assembly message is: “Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish.”

The children listened to this week’s Gospel. In the gospel, we heard how the disciples were fishing, but could not catch any fish. Jesus directed them where to fish and suddenly, the net was full! The children spoke about the times they have shared a meal with family and friends and how and why this is fun and important.

Monday 29th April

This week our assembly message is: “After eight days, Jesus came in and stood among them."

The children listened to this week’s Gospel where they heard how the disciples had locked themselves away following Jesus’ death, and how Jesus had appeared to them in the locked room. Jesus said to the disciples: “Peace be with you.” The children thought about what peace meant to them, and shared examples of how we can share Peace with those around us.


Monday 8th April

This week our assembly message is: " “Let the person among you without sin throw the first stone."

The children listened to this week’s Gospel about a lady who had sinned. The lady was told to stand in the middle of a crowd, and the crowd were calling for her to be stoned to death! Jesus started writing in the sand, and told the crowd ‘If any of you have never sinned, then go ahead and throw the first stone.’ All of the crowd walked away. The children thought about what it means to sin, and what we need to say and do to prove we are sorry for this. We also spoke about not judging others.

Monday 1st April

This week our assembly message is: "You are always with me, and everything I have is yours."

The children listened to this week’s Gospel about the Prodigal Son, and we discussed how the man felt when his son went away and then came back again.

The children thought carefully about the message the man gave to his sons.

 This week, we have also learned about the world religion – Buddhism. The children explored the origins of Buddhism and discovered more about the Buddhist Faith.  

Monday 25th March

This week our assembly message is: "Leave the tree for another year and I will help it grow."

The children listened to this week’s Gospel, and we discussed how the man felt when his fig tree did not produce fruit. He wanted to cut the tree down, but a gardener encouraged him to leave the tree to grow for another year.

 The children thought about how the tree hadn’t done what it was supposed to do, and they related this to themselves – we don’t always do what we are supposed to. The children thought about: ‘if the tree is us, who is the gardener?’ The children discussed how the gardener is like Jesus.

 This week, we will be remembering that God gives us the chance to change and to share what we have. We are going to do all that we can to make sure that all people have the things that they need to live.  

Monday 4th March

This week our assembly message is: "What a person says comes from what is in the heart."

The children listened to this week’s Gospel, and we discussed how Jesus is saying it is much easier to notice the tiniest mistake that someone else has made, rather than to see our own mistakes and what we have done wrong. We thought about what this meant to us.

We discussed how Jesus said we must change the way we act before we can expect anyone else to change. If we cannot be good and do what is right, how can we ask other people to do the same?

The children thought for a while about how they could change something they may be doing wrong, and how they would use the goodness in their heart to change it.


Monday 25th February

This week our assembly message is: "Be merciful as your Father is merciful."

The children listened to this week’s Gospel, and we discussed how Jesus told the disciples how he wanted them to treat each other.

The children then thought about what it is like to receive gifts, and how it feels to give gifts. They thought about which gifts they can offer and how they will use them this week.

Monday 11th February

This week our assembly message is: "They left everything and followed Jesus."

The children listened to this week’s Gospel, and we discussed how Jesus’ disciples felt when their nets filled with fish. The children thought about what it means to be ‘Fishers of people.’

We had an extra part to our assembly today. Every 4 weeks, the children are going to explore a world religion. This week, we looked at Islam. The children were given pictures and information about Islam. They then thought about similarities and differences between Islam and Christianity and spoke about these with each other.

Click here to see the information and slides about Islam

Monday 4th February 

This week our assembly message is: "No prophets are liked by the people of their own town.

The children listened to this week’s Gospel, and we discussed how the people felt – they were angry by what Jesus had said.

We thought about the message, ‘no prophets are liked by the people of their own town.’ The children linked this to their own lives by thinking about ordinary people who do special things. They thought about the special talents they have and how they can use these this week.


Monday 28th January

This week our assembly message is: "Proclaim the good news to the poor."

The children listened to this week’s Gospel, and they discussed the passage, and how it describes to Jesus what he has been sent to do.

Jesus was sent to bring good news to the poor. The children thought about what this meant in today’s world.

Thank you to our chaplains who have helped to plan and set up this week’s liturgy.


Monday 21st January

This week our assembly message is: "World Faith Day – We are all God’s Children."

The children listened to this week’s Gospel, and they discussed the miracle which Jesus performed turning water into wine. We thought about how we cannot perform miracles; we can help others.

Today is World Faith Day, and the children have explored some of the main world faiths. The children saw how people living in the same area or country can have different faiths. We thought about how the religions are similar and how all they all promote love and togetherness.

Every month, we will focus on a different world faith to allow the opportunity for children to find out more about the religion.

Monday 7th January 

We have started off our school year with an assembly to celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord.

This week our gospel message is: “We have come from the East to worship the King."

 The children listened to Matthew’s Gospel, and discussed what Herod told the three wise men. The children thought about why they had a dream telling them not to go back to Herod.