St Joseph's School - A Catholic Voluntary Academy

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  3. Y2 Maths workshop & Assessment information

Y2 Maths workshop & Assessment information

15 March 2019 (by tinablack)

Miss Bilson, and Mrs Bancroft will be holding a parent information session for Y2 parents. The session will be held in the school hall on Wednesday 27th March at 9am.

We will be looking at assessment in Y2, including providing some information on the KS1 SATs, and also providing some strategies and support for supporting your child in maths at home. This is aimed at all Y2 parents, however, if any Y1 parents wish to attend as well then please feel free to come along.  Please confirm your attendance via class dojo. Unfortunately, if we don't have enough interest in the session then we will be unable to run this.
Refreshments will be provided. Thank you for your continued support.