St Joseph's School - A Catholic Voluntary Academy

Class Teacher: Miss Bilson                Teaching Assistant: Mrs Wild 

Our topics throughout the Year 2018/19

Class Newsletter - Summer Term (2) 2019

Topic Homework - Summer Term (2) 2019

Year 2 have a French afternoon

Bonjour! Year 2 have been learning more about France.

We learnt a French song about The Tour de France.

We watched French children playing La Marelle, a game similar to hopscotch. We practised our numbers to ten in French, then we went outside and had a go ourselves!

After a delicious picnic of croissants and brioche, we went inside and had a ‘tour’ of Paris via a YouTube clip! Then we each designed a game of a tour of Paris, visiting lots of interesting places. We had a great time. Au revoir! 

Whole School DT Day - Friday 21st June

Year 2 have had so much fun today! 

We have learnt about a fantastic engineer, William Brown, who came up with the idea of suspension bridges! 

We looked at pictures of his many creations and then designed our own suspension bridges. After evaluating our designs, together we made an amazing model that is absolutely marvellous! Not only is it strong, it looks great too!

Class Newsletter - Summer Term (1) 2019

Topic Homework - Summer Term (1) 2019

Tolerance of Other Faiths and Cultures.

For British Values Week, Year 2 explored the idea that people can see God in different ways. 

We played a guessing game in which the children had to guess what object had been hidden under a blanket. Each child was only allowed to touch one part of the object and so they all had very different ideas of what the object was! When the secret telephone was revealed, the children were able to explain why they found it difficult to guess what the object was- they only had parts of the truth and not the whole picture. 

We then went on to think about the various religions that people follow and discussed how a lot of people believe that all these religions say different things about God. We realised that we have to be tolerant of other people's beliefs because they all have pieces of the truth. 

Interfaith Week - Hinduism 

Class Newsletter - Spring Term (2) 2019

Topic Homework - Spring Term (2) 2019

What year 2 have been up to this half term.


During Fairtrade Fortnight, Year 2 learnt about what Fairtrade means and as our new topic is The Scented Garden, traced some Fairtrade flowers back to the original farm from which they came. We learnt about how the flower workers grow, harvest, pack and care for the flowers so that we can enjoy them. 

During Science Week, we learnt about how far a sneeze can travel and how we can prevent others from getting ill. We placed pictures of ourselves on a 4 metre long sheet of paper and from one end, we sprayed (or sneezed!) water from a bottle. We circled the children who were infected and then sprayed the water with a hand over the bottle. Far less children were infected the second time! For the third attempt, we placed a tissue over the bottle and no one was  infected at all! After this, we discussed the importance of using a tissue when we sneeze as well as washing our hands if a tissue is not available.  

Through this fun activity, we learnt more about the spread of germs and their potential to infect people!

For British Values this week, we have been learning about mutual respect. We learnt about the word 'mutual' as meaning 'shared between people' and discussed  our views of what respect looks like. After this, we wrote acrostic poems based on the word respect. 

Class Newsletter - Spring Term (1) 2019

Topic Homework - Spring Term (1) 2019

What year 2 have been up to this half term. 

Year 2 had a lesson in which they looked at the artwork of Carl Warner. He uses food to create landscapes. The children worked in groups to list the different food that they could see and what it represented in the picture. 

Class Newsletter - Autumn Term (2) 2018

Topic Homework - Autumn Term (2) 2018

 Class Newsletter - Autumn Term (1) 2018


Topic Homework - Autumn Term (1) 2018