St Joseph's School - A Catholic Voluntary Academy

Growth Mindset

What is a mindset?

Your mindset is your belief- your belief about yourself.


What is a fixed mindset?

A fixed mindset is when a person believes their basic qualities or talents are fixed traits and that they cannot change or improve them.


What is a growth mindset?

A growth mindset is when a person believes that their qualities can be developed through their dedication and effort. They believe anything is possible when they set their mind and heart to a task.


What are we doing at St Joseph’s?

Our school strongly believes it is crucial that children develop a growth mindset which enables them to persevere when things get tough. We strive to ensure that children grow in confidence by understanding that making mistakes is a key to learning. Each class has worked hard to ensure that this underpins everything we do in the classroom and that children grow in confidence when taking risks and challenging themselves. Below are some pictures of our growth mindset displays and some of the activities we have used to introduce growth mindset to our children and to encourage them to change and grow their own mindset.


How can you change your mindset today?

Subject Lead – Miss Vickers

Growth Mindset – Spring Review

During the spring term, Growth Mindset has been promoted mainly through the environment of the school. Displays have been most effective where the children have had some input in their creation. 

‘Secret Saint’ has been rolled out for all staff now, which has proved popular with staff. Having a Secret Saint was a way to promote staff wellbeing and positivity. Examples of things shared have ranged from positive quotes, Lego figures, food and drink.

Since Growth Mindset goes hand in hand with the Mastery approach to teaching, children are being encouraged throughout school to challenge themselves with the Going Deeper tasks. This has been successful in Literacy and Math, and it is continuing to be developed in other curriculum areas.

To promote ways to encourage Growth Mindset within the class room, I did a PDM to TAs in the Spring 1 term. I provided ideas, showed resources and refreshed TAs understanding of what Growth Mindset is. I asked TAs to ensure that growth mindset quotes were being displayed and referred to in lessons, and I asked them to think of ways to develop growth mindset in their own practice.

I completed a pupil voice survey across school with a focus on pupil premium children. From Year 2 upwards the children could give me an accurate definition of what growth mindset meant. Y1 and Reception were able to tell me that we don’t every give up on learning. All children said that their teachers encourage them to have a growth mindset by positive words of encouragement. Year 3 said that the word ‘can’t’ is banned. From Year 2 upwards the children were able to tell me exactly where their growth mindset display was in class. Year 4 even made reference to the ‘Critique Boutique’ because they pointed out that cool feedback allows them to improve in their learning.

Mrs Patterson has been promoting growth mindset by sending out a positive quote to all staff every Monday. She is also trialing an App with Year 6, which focuses on mindfulness and developing children’s awareness of their thoughts and feelings.

For the summer term, I will be looking at ways to develop growth mindset displays in class to make them more child led. Mrs Patterson will send out her positive quote on the School App so that parents are more involved in their understanding of Growth Mindset.

Growth Mindset

'Quote of the Week'

We would like to develop a growth mindset within our whole community. Each week, a new quote is shared around school - pinned up in classrooms and office areas. This is also sent out via our app for the community to see.

Please see some of our growth mindset quotes below:

Subject Lead – Miss Vickers

Growth Mindset – Autumn Review

During the autumn term, Growth Mindset has been promoted mainly through the environment of the school. Displays have been most effective where the children have had some input in their creation. 

I set up ‘Secret Saint’ for Teachers, which has proved popular with staff. Having a Secret Saint was a way to promote staff wellbeing and positivity. Examples of things shared have ranged from positive quotes, Lego figures, food and drink. Because of the popularity of the Secret Saint, this will be rolled out to all staff in the New Year.

Since Growth Mindset goes hand in hand with the Mastery approach to teaching, children are being encouraged throughout school to challenge themselves with the Going Deeper tasks. This has been successful in Literacy and Math, and it is currently under scrutiny in other curriculum areas.

To promote ways to encourage Growth Mindset within the class room, I did a PDM to Teachers in the Autumn 2 term. I provided ideas, showed resources and refreshed Teachers understanding of what Growth Mindset is. I asked Teachers to include a Growth Mindset quote on their morning board, and I know this has been implemented in most classrooms.

A positive outcome from my PDM is that Year 6 completed an RE lesson based on one of the Growth Mindset resources I had shown to staff.